Zaghareet offers tutoring – private, group and standard workshops. During private tutoring we will focus on proper dance posture, technique and development of dance character and personal style of the dancer. The rest is meeting the requirements and needs of the client – tutoring for competitions, technique how to teach dance classes, how to strengthen various muscle groups during dance aso. If a choreography is requested, Zaghareet will choreograph a dance for you that meets your individual style and your expectations. Workshops are taking place in Bratislava (organized by Zaghareet), or in the clients resident city, whilst the client provides the training hall/ classroom. Zaghareet teaches regular classes in Bratislava.
For intermediate/advanced level there are two classes taking place every Wednesday from 6PM to 7,30PM and from 7,30PM to 9PM at Studio Isis at Remeselnícka ulica 41 in Bratislava-Rača. For more information and registration leave a message on the website (through Contact), request by e-mail:, phone: +421 907 192 247, or through FB .
In case there is a group of people interested in classes/tutoring, please leave a request (through Contact) and the details will be settled.
You are warm-heartedly welcome.